Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Burton Brink. I am a retired Sergeant from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department with almost 40 years of active law enforcement experience. After I retired, I ran for the California State Assembly, as I was upset about what politicians are doing to our communities and victims of crimes. I wanted to make a difference and be a voice for the people! I am a Commissioner for the city of Arcadia, and the Chairman of Crime Survivors Inc. #VictimsMatter

This blog is to help you see the crazy things coming from our politicians and to keep you informed with the truth, so you can make an informed decision when you vote to protect your family!

Our Current Politicians Have No Clue How Their Policies Are Hurting Our Families, Businesses and Communities!

  Our current politicians have no clue what their policies are doing to our safety and our businesses when it comes down to releasing criminals repeatedly from jail. You all should know by now that there are career criminals that only care about is breaking the law and getting away with whatever they can. Our […]

Issues within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), Shared letter from LASD Deputy

I am posting this for the author who currently works as a deputy sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Even though I am retired, I am still connected to the department, and I am using my voice to share the issues they are having. 3rd Letter to the Citizens of the Antelope Valley […]

Gavin Newson is lying to you, AGAIN!

Gavin Newson is lying to you! Governor Gavin Newsom (Who wants to be president) says the oil companies are gouging California drivers with the cost of gas, but California collects $1.08 for every .14 cents oil refiners earn. Federal government gets .18 cents for every gallon. Who’s gouging whom? Newsom is a liar and Californians […]

California’s local oil and gas production has declined by 29%, primarily due to state and local energy policies shutting down production.

In the last four years, California’s local oil and gas production has declined by 29%, primarily due to state and local energy policies shutting down production. But, decreasing California’s local production does not decrease our consumption, just where our oil comes from. 48.7% of our electricity in California comes from fossil fuels. Over a month, […]

How The Biden Administration FACILITATED & FUNDED the Barbaric terror attacks on Israel

How The Biden Administration FACILITATED & FUNDED the Barbaric terror attacks on Israel: – Shortly after Joe Biden took office, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the administration would be resuming direct payments to the Terror Regime in Gaza. – These payments were CANCELED under Donald Trump. -Millions of dollars of American taxpayer money […]

Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Burton Brink. I am a retired Sergeant from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department with almost 40 years of active law enforcement experience. After I retired, I ran for the California State Assembly, as I was upset about what politicians are doing to our communities and victims of crimes. I wanted to make a difference and be a voice for the people! I am a Commissioner for the city of Arcadia, and the Chairman of Crime Survivors Inc. #VictimsMatter

This blog is to help you see the crazy things coming from our politicians and to keep you informed with the truth, so you can make an informed decision when you vote to protect your family!

Gavin Newson is lying to you, AGAIN!

California’s local oil and gas production has declined by 29%, primarily due to state and local energy policies shutting down production.